Company presentation of Bedre Inneklima AS
– your access to the nordic air treatment market.
Bedre inneklima AS is a nordic distributor of products that improve life by improving indoor air quality. The company is the market leader within indoor climate solutions, specialized in dehumidifiers, humidifiers and air purifiers for both the professional and domestic market. Our dehumidifiers are the most winning dehumidifiers in the market. Bedre Inneklima AS is a preferred supplier within professional dehumidification to various industries and damage restoration, in addition to high end products to the domestic market.
CEO and owner, Jarle Karlsrud
- Established in 2006 by Jarle Karlsrud
- Started working with air treatment products 2010
- Working as a wholesale company
- Selling to retailers in all nordic countries, both online and offline
- Representing several major brands for air treatment
- Products for both commercial and domestic use
- Selling own brand in addition to international brands
- Annual turnover approx 3,5 million USD (2021)
- Warehouse in Sandefjord, Norway
- Registered in Norway with business number NO 990 162 689 MVA
Business philosophy
We only sell high end products, and we strive to give resellers and consumers the best service possible. Education is important, and we educate both resellers and consumers about air treatment. All products are stocked for fast deliveries in all quantities. We sell products for both domestic and industrial use.
We work according to our vision:
Imagine a world where all people have clean and safe air, without pollution, mold, pollen and other air related problems.
Location of Bedre Inneklima AS
Goods receipt with logo and loading ramp.
Office and warehouse in Sandefjord, southern Norway. Well positioned to the local airport (Oslo Torp / Sandefjord TRF), to Larvik harbor (for container shipments) and two minutes off the Norwegian highway E18 with fast connection to Norways capital Oslo. Since Norway is a geographically big country with a low population we also have a branch sales office in Trondheim in the north of Norway.
Geographical market in the air treatment business
All nordic countries is our local market. We spend a lot of time educating resellers and consumers. We travel in all countries, but have partners in both Sweden and Denmark to take care of local day to day service such as sales and repairs. All products shipped from main office in Norway, or direct from suppliers when bigger deliveries.
Commercial and industry
In addition to being a major supplier of home appliances, Bedre Inneklima AS is also the number one supplier of air treatment to the Norwegian building markets. Bedre Inneklima AS supplies a full range of air treatment, for both domestic, commercial and industrial applications. Most of the products are stocked, while some are tailor made solutions.
Digital marketing
In addition to educating physical resellers we also actively use digital marketing. We operate several channels for spreading the message of the importance of clean and healthy air. Our main channels are:
- YouTube
- Blog
- Several international and national resellers such as Elkjøp and CDON
- Several niche businesses such as Seatronic and Skadedyrbutikken
In addition we also use digital paid ads such as Google Ads, Facebook Ads, Kelkoo, Prisjakt and similar to reach the right customer segment.
Our repairman at the main warehouse in Sandefjord.
In house services
We have office, warehouse and workshop in the same building for full control of all parts of our activities. See below photos. We stock spare parts, and do repairs in house. For repairs where refrigerant gasses are needed, we cooperate with a local partner who has specialized on refrigerant repairs.
We represent and distribute several international well known brands within the air treatment business, such as:
- Meaco – Well established cooperation since 2010. Meaco is our major brand and represents a big part of our turnover. We stock all their products, both domestic and commecial. In house repairs. Cooperation for development of new products. Probably the best dehumidifier company in Europe. Main focus: Dehumidifiers for domestic use.
- Stylies – Swiss brand mainly for humidifiers. All technical concepts covered: Evaporative, hot steam, ultrasonic, air washer. All with genuine swiss styling and quality.
- Winix – Specialist company for high end air purifiers, with unique features such as the “PlasmaWave“. Probably the best domestic air purifier company in the world.
- Boneco – Swiss brand manly focusing on humidifiers and air purifiers. Well known and long experience in the air treatment market.
- Arida – our own brand for products we source and produce in cooperation with parters. Arida Pro for commercial use and Arida Home for domestic use.
Press coverage
We get a lot of press coverage for our products, both locally and international. Example: Elektronikkbransjen (business), Din Side (domestic). Our products are recognized in the Scandinavian market, and achieve good results in tests and reviews. Take a look at some of the tests we are mentioned in by clicking here.
Contact details
Official name: Bedre Inneklima AS
Adress: Pindsleveien 8b, 3221 Sandefjord, Norway
Business registration number, Norway: NO 990 162 689 MVA
Phone: 0047-33470100
Contact form
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